Monday, April 1, 2013

Hindsight is 20/20, but you might strain your neck

Well that was interesting.
I'd be in remiss if I didn't note that April 1, 2013,12:20 marks possibly the worst presentation I have ever given. I feel as if I owe someone an apology for that.

Lots of stuff went wrong. Starting from the beginning:
I missed quite a few of my cues. I probably should have rehearsed more. A LOT MORE.
Part of the responsibility goes to google, as I honestly would have had a lot more time to practice if my script hadn't deleted itself 3 times. But most of that is on me. I should have had the speech a lot sooner than Saturday, and I can blame no one but myself for that.
Then we got to the issue of the table...
Of all of the dumb things I've done during presentations, this tops the cake.
Yes, better than forgetting how to tie a tie while teaching how to tie a tie.
Yes, more awkward than forgetting your lines while the lights are out.
Yes, more embarrassing than almost pulling your pants off in front of your entire class.

For those of you who weren't there or didn't notice, I left my notecards on the table before I flipped it off of the stage. I awkwardly tried to borrow Pratik's cards, but he only had his own lines
I improv'd the rest of my speech. It didn't go too well.

Finally, the last bit was supposed to be really cool and sort of creepy.
We were supposed to perfectly sync that line.
I don't know how many times we practiced it.
But when it really mattered, we fell apart.

So that's it for the actual presenting part.
As far as content goes, it was difficult for us.
We didn't really have that much of a process, and we had no product.
It was incredibly awkward at the end, when there were pretty much no questions. But I suppose that that's to be expected; there was nothing to ask questions about.
We had a little bit of development for the initial phase; we planned the build and made the model.
But that was more about reading, with almost no actual "doing".
So basically, we had very little to talk about, regarding our project, and that showed.

I wish I had my parts...


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